Friday, January 18, 2013

Real Quick...

I just have a few quick things for you today.

First off - I have been having a blast this week playing around with my new camera. 
Hubby was amazing and bought me a step up from a point and shoot camera for my birthday in December. If you forgot to wish me a happy birthday, you can redeem yourself now!!

I know some of you have noticed and commented on the quality of my photos lately. I am hoping to learn a little more about that bad boy of a camera to give you all the best photos ever.

Of course, if all else fails - the iPhone is pretty handy.

Second - a week from today is the Window Shopping Linkup.

a traveling Wife
<div align="center"><a href="" title="a traveling Wife"><img src="" alt="a traveling Wife" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

So start browsing around on and come back next Friday to show off what you found.

That's all for today. Have a great weekend!

*Linking up for the Friday Chaos Linkup


  1. Happy belated birthday if I did not say it in december! :) Nice camera! .)

  2. Isn't your hubby nice?!
    Happy Belated Birthday! (trying to redeem myself :D)

  3. That's such a cute camera. What kind is it?


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