a traveling Wife: The Good with the Bad

The Good with the Bad

Monday, December 8, 2014

Often, time gets away with us, leaving this poor interweb-home empty and lonely. Often, real life bogs us down and we forget about other commitments. Often, real life isn't as glamorous as bloggers make it out to be.

While this page has been neglected for several days, I have been reminded what life is really about. Thanksgiving wasn't all that long ago but it is always a good reminder to be thankful each and every day. It is important to take the bad with the good and not worry so much about what could have been done.

October 31st, my Dad made his way to the hospital only to be moved to another hospital, and then hospice. He was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and made his exit to a pain-free life November 29th. We had a beautiful memorial to remember his life and to celebrate his new beginning. My mom, sister and myself were all there for his passing and it was a relief to see him no longer in pain. No longer suffering. No longer holding on to the fight that never should have happened.

Sometimes, we get dealt a shitty hand of cards.

All of the support and love throughout these past few months has been unbelievable. Friends, family, neighbors, strangers - offering help, an ear to listen, food to feed us, flowers to look at, fetching our mail, and so much more. There are just a few things that they can't help with; the stories left untold and advice not yet given by my Dad. Those are items that cannot be replaced.

Now I will move on and continue to use my memories as a way to connect with my Dad. As I turn yet another year older on Friday, I need to make it a priority to live life! It ends far too soon, often without notice.


Thank you for all of your support. I appreciate you for taking the time to read my content and leaving comments or feedback.