a traveling Wife: Unplugged +Giveaway

Unplugged +Giveaway

Thursday, February 12, 2015

4:56 AM - Alarm goes off and I hit snooze
5:02 AM - Alarm goes off for a 2nd time and I roll out of bed to get in the shower
5:20 AM - Towel off, moisturize, and check emails
5:30 AM - Get the pup up and snuggle with the hubs
5:45 AM - Check Instagram, put makeup on, get dressed and blow dry my hair
6:10 AM - Make a latte, check Facebook and pack my lunch
6:20 AM - Turn on the TV to start a recorded show from the night before, drink coffee and check Twitter
6:35 AM - Prepare to leave the house and head to work
7:30 AM - Arrive at work and check email
My weekday mornings start very early but that doesn't stop me from utilizing technology. I mean, I check my emails within 20 minutes of waking up. It just seems natural to gravitate to my phone as if I need it like I do air to breathe. Some may call this obsessive.

It is a rare occurrence for me to AVOID technology or unplug from social media. It's a habit ingrained in my daily activities that would be really hard to give up. This is when Alyssa from Creative Expressions comes into play. Creative Expressions is a women owned business based out of Utah and offer services such as screen printing, embroidery, digitizing and art services. They created a campaign call Unplugged and challenged me to unplug from technology for one whole day. I was terrified!

Creative Expressions sent me a super cool, exclusive, t-shirt to wear the day of the challenge. The shirt boldly states 'Unplugged' to help encourage the success of the challenge for those that participate. I dragged my poor hubby into this, but he really didn't see to care much. Until I told him TV was off limits.

Unplugged - Creative Expressions

Want to know how we did? It was an epic failure, my friends. Oh, and don't be jealous of my phone-tography skills. I know they are pretty impressive. :)

We decided this past Saturday would be a good day to be unplugged. Unplugged from social media, TV, computer, and emails. We woke up and guess what? We turned the TV on. Yup! Failure number one.

We scheduled a limit to only watch 1 hour in the morning while drinking coffee and catching the news. Afterwards we prepped for the day. A day full of house work. I ventured off to clean up some rooms that have been neglected for way too long and A went up to the attic.

I hung this super cool mirror I made for less than $20 and hung up a cute sign I found at Hobby Lobby. But isn't everything cute at Hobby Lobby?!

A was up in the attic replacing an exhaust fan/light in our guest bathroom. You should totally go check out the remodel photos on Instagram.

Blown insulation makes a huge mess, but I am so happy to get rid of the 90's fan. I'm sure there were some creatures that were up in the light enclosure for many, many years.

Modern amenities - they are the best!

While A was finishing up the light, it was time for lunch. I made some super tasty blackened fish tacos that caused me to fail my day unplugged for the 2nd time. I didn't have the recipe readily available so I had to look it up on the Internet. Boo!

We ate lunch and watched some more TV. Gasp. It seems that TV runs our lives. Then I went back to work.

We bought these super cool unfinished pine nightstands from Ikea. I wanted to paint them a nice creamy color then stain a new top a nice dark espresso color. Well the stands are painted but the tops have yet to be started. That didn't stop me from tacking on the back piece. By the way, Ikea nails are awful. Either that or I don't know how to use a hammer. So I broke out my favorite stapler and got to work.

We finished the day by grocery shopping and ordering pizza online - 3rd fail. Want to know how we ate our pizza? By watching TV, of course. Chalk that up for 4 fails!

I'm telling you, going unplugged is no joke. I think back to when I was a kid and we didn't even have cell phones. Boy that makes me sound old, but I'm not. And now, every 2nd grader is walking around with their own mobile device. Please tell me I am wrong with that statistic.

Do you think you could go one whole day without technology? How about 12 hours? Regardless if you think you could handle walking away from the TV or giving up social media, why not enter to win one of the exclusive 'Unplugged' shirts?

Mandatory entry: Enter your name and email address in the form below (This information will not be used for future use. Only the winner will receive an email) 

Optional additional entries:
  • Follow me on Twitter and tweet this; "Did you know @atravelingwife went #unplugged from technology & is giving away an exclusive #unplugged tshirt? #creativeexpressions #giveaway"
  • Follow me on Instagram and comment on any of my photos with "#unpluggedgiveaway".
  • Visit Creative Expressions on Facebook. Leave me a comment below stating that you visited. 
Official Rules:
  • “No purchase necessary.”
  • US residents only.
  • This giveaway will run from Thursday, February 12th to Sunday, February 15th at 9pm EST. 
  • Item provided by Creative Expressions.
  • One winner will receive an exclusive Unplugged Tshirt.
  • Creative Expressions will mail out your winnings.
  • Winner will be selected randomly via Random.org
  • Winner will be announced here after the giveaway ends. They will also receive an email to the email provided in the form above. 
*Thanks to Alyssa from Creative Expressions for challenging me to unplug, sending me the Tshirt, and allowing me to offer this giveaway! 


  1. I used to think I was weird for checking my email first thing when I got up, but the more I talked to other bloggers I found out we all do it! I occasionally partially unplug, but have never tried total darkness. It would be interesting (and I'm sure my hubby couldn't go without television).

    (Hint about twitter: if someone posts the tweet as you have it written, you will be the only one who sees it because it starts with @atravelingwife. Use a few words before your handle, then all the tweeters followers will see it too.) Even some kind of punctuation mark will help. I put a period when I tweeted it.

    1. I think us bloggers should stick together with our obsessive behaviors!

      It looks like I can use some work with my multitasking skills. Goodness! Thank you so much for pointing out my Twitter error. You are awesome!


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