a traveling Wife: Infused Water - Stay Hydrated

Infused Water - Stay Hydrated

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Long weekends are the best thing ever. Why don't we get more of them? I hope you all were able to enjoy an extended weekend and get out to enjoy some lovely weather - that is unless you are in Houston.

My hydration of choice over the past three days was water. I mean, malted water in the form of an adult beverage. Beers - give me all the beers! Because of this, I actually woke up with a headache most days. Why do I always seem to forget that I am not 21 anymore and that two drinks are enough to give me the Miller Lite Flu?! Now it is time to hydrate up with some water, but my favorite is infused water.

stay hydrated

Here is a list of some of my favorite types of infused waters:


And you can make your taste buds extra happy by mixing some of these flavors together.

Lemon, Cucumber, Mint
Lemon, Lime
Watermelon, Mint
Ginger, Mint
Orange, Strawberry, Raspberry
The list goes on, and on. 

What is your favorite type of infused water? Do you use an infuser water bottle or just throw everything in a glass?


  1. I loveeee infused waters! I used to write posts on them when the weather warmed up, but I completely missed the beginning of the season this year! I'll have to come up with a new combo for this summer. I love the idea of the ginger and mint! have you tried it? How does the ginger infuse?

    1. I love, love, love ginger mint tea. The ginger tends to infuse better with hot liquids that can then be cooled down - not so potent starting with cold water. But if you are just interested in a tiny hint of ginger, 1/2 - 1 inch seems to be fine.

  2. Watermelon and mint is my favorite! I also really like strawberry and lime.

    1. Ooh, strawberry lime sounds delicious. I just went and made that right now! :)


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