a traveling Wife: Webinars - Yay or Nay?

Webinars - Yay or Nay?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Now that I have some free time, I have been trying to hop on as many webinars as possible. These webinars have been on various topics including user testing, design, tips for blogging, influencer marketing, etc. I feel like some of these have been just a complete waste of time. Don't get me wrong, I came from the corporate world and sat through countless pointless meetings. But I feel that if I am going to take time away from my schedule to sit down with a pen and paper, you better make it worth my while.

Do you have any recommendations for webinars that I should attend? I am open to trying a few more - so long as they don't yawn the entire meeting.

Now onto today's post - What I Ate Wednesday, less formally known as What I am Eating This Week. My meals are planned out for the entire week to include 1-2 different breakfasts, 2-3 different lunches, 2-3 different dinners, and loads of snacks. And, in case you are new around here, welcome - I keep track of my macros each week to find numbers that work for my goals. Be sure to check last week's #WIAW if you are interested in what my numbers looked like then.

Remember, the nice thing about counting macros is that it is flexible eating. This means that each day you have a goal set for your macros but it is okay to be slightly over or under. If you were to focus so much on hitting your numbers each and everyday, you will become obsessive over food which is never a good thing. So this week my goals for each day are 41 g Fat // 167 g Carbs // 111 g Protein. Let's see how I did yesterday.


For breakfast I fried up one whole egg and two egg whites with a few mushrooms. This was paired with some dark cherries because I can't get enough and a Chobani flip. The key lime crumble Chobani flip is my absolute favorite. You will see it over and over again.

Just prior to breakfast I chugged a latte with skim milk, in hopes of getting rid of a migraine. It appears that last Tuesday I had a migraine as well. I am going to blame this on Monday.

Macros = 17.3 Fat // 44.4 Carbs // 36.6 Protein


The grocery store didn't have my favorite dark chocolate granola on the shelf so I purchase this hazelnut dark chocolate granola instead. It wasn't all that bad but not as good as Cascadian Farms. I paired this with some fresh strawberries because summertime is all about the fruit.

4.7 Fat // 26.5 Carbs // 3.5 Protein


On Sunday I prepped a healthy portion of quinoa risotto and plopped some chicken in the crockpot. This will get A and I through three lunches this week. If you have never made chicken in the crockpot it is a must. Just season the chicken however you like - I used salt, pepper, and thyme. Then you just place the chicken in the crockpot on high for 4+ hours and it will fall apart perfectly with a fork.

3.8 Fat // 19.7 Carbs // 16.6 Protein


I am a sucker for some good, spicy food - the kind that makes your nose drip. We found some supremely spicy hummus (probably Sabra brand) and it does the trick. Also, check out those cute little Triscuits. The are so teeny-tiny and I just can't get enough of them.

8.5 Fat // 26 Carbs // 5 Protein


Please contain your excitement over the quality of this photo. I took it after a sweaty 20 minute workout and we had some terrible weather so the burger had to be cooked inside. And if you can spot with your little eye a fancy dog toy on the right. Yes, the cheapest toys are the best - an old sock with holes in it.

For dinner we had bunless turkey burgers on a bed of mixed greens and a side of red skin potatoes. Please tell me you have made this sauce and want to put it on everything! I think it's just amazing and essential for burgers.

7 Fat // 19.2 Carbs // 40.5 Protein


Finally dessert because I can't do without it. Since it's been so dang hot out, I have been loving me some sugar free jello with fresh fruit. Top it with some whipped cream and it feels like a complete indulgence.

1.5 Fat // 0 Carbs (I forgot to add the fresh raspberries into my tracker) // 2 Protein

Overall, yesterday was a pretty good day and I definitely felt like I fueled well for my workout. 
Here are my totals from the food above; 42.8 g Fat // 135.8 g Carbs // 104.2 Protein
Again, here is my daily goal for this week; 41 g Fat // 167 g Carbs // 111 g Protein

I think I did pretty dang good and stayed on top of what I was eating. I'm eager to see if these macros are any better than my previous goals, because I wasn't feeling it the last few weeks. 

What are some of your favorite meals this week?