a traveling Wife: Two Steps For Organizing Your Workshop or Garage

Two Steps For Organizing Your Workshop or Garage

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Thanks for making my house feel like a home. This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #Feelinvigorated #FeelGlade #CollectiveBias

Well this is embarrassing. And to be honest, I can't believe I am even considering sharing this with you all. But this, this is my house.
#Cbias, #FeelInvigorated, #ad, Glade, organization
We moved into our new house in April and if you are familiar with moving or visiting new places, they never smell like home. All of the familiar and welcoming scents are not there.

It's a strange feeling to me when I walk into my new home and it smells like a stranger's house. We have moved a lot and it's already a struggle to figure out which light switch turns on which light and where to hang this or that, so the first thing I always do is try to make my new house feel comforting. I light my favorite candles and arrange the furniture so it functions with our needs.
Click to Tweet: It's easy to make any new space feel like home http://bit.ly/1K43S6S [ad] via @atravelingwife #FeelInvigorated @glade
Now you would think three months would be long enough to really have my new house feel like home. For the most part it does, but there is one room in the basement that I dread - the workshop. It's dingy, dirty, smelly, and all around ugly. Workshops don't have to be glamorous but I believe they should be functional and well organized.

A keeps his hockey equipment and his tools in the workshop. Because of this, it smells like a boy's locker room mixed with a car repair shop - it's just not a pleasant room for me to be in. I would have kept avoiding this room if it wasn't for the Glade® Blue Odyssey Large Candle. The invigorating scent lit a fire under me to really get this room under control.
#cbias, #feelinvigorated, #ad, glade, organization
I believe there are two simple steps to creating an efficient workshop - storage bins and a peg board. That's it! And can you believe that I was able to create a functional space with less than $50?! Here's how.

I started with 4 plastic storage bins. You can find a variety of sizes, prices, and colors from Walmart. I opted for a standard black and spray painted them to give them a metal look.
 #cbias, #feelinvigorated
#cbias, #feelinvigorated
Next I purchased a standard brown peg board and gave it a more industrial look by spray painting it. Don't tell A that I am having an affair with spray paint. I also needed to purchase some 1 x 2's because I wanted to place the peg board on a finished wall. If you fail to bump the peg board off the wall, you will not be able to hang anything using hooks. This I did not know until A said it wouldn't work without the 1 x 2's. What would I do without him? The 1 x 2's were also painted so they blended in well with the preexisting wall color.
peg board, #cbias, #feelinvigorated
peg board, #cbias, #feelinvigorated
peg board, #cbias, #feelinvigorated
peg board, #cbias, #feelinvigorated
A helped me hang the peg board. He started by drilling three pilot holes on each 1 x 2 so that the drywall screws did not split the wood. We used 2 inch coarse thread drywall screws to attach the 1 x 2's to the studs. Then we used 1/8 inch fine thread drywall screws to attach the peg board to the 1 x 2's. It was beyond easy! It almost sounds like I know what I am doing.

Now the fun part - the before and after. I didn't want to dump a lot of money into this room because, let's face it, it's really just a workshop. I opted to not paint the walls or update the flooring even though they are terrible. Just by sprucing up the space and bringing in scents from the Glade® Blue Odyssey Large Candle, it now feels like home!
#cbias, #feelinvigorated, #ad, organization
#cbias, #feelinvigorated, #ad, organization, peg board

#cbias, #feelinvigorated
#cbias, #feelinvigorated

#feelinvogorated, #cbias
#cbias, #feelinvigorated

#cbias, #feelinvigorated
#cbias, #feelinvigorated

#cbias, #feelinvigorated, #ad, organization, peg board
Now I can finish our guest bathroom remodel before family comes to town in 10 days. Plus the new larger Glade® Blue Odyssey Large Candle burns up to 60 hours. I guess I need to get to working on some more projects.
Click to Tweet: See how @atravelingwife remodeled her workshop with 2 easy steps and the help of @glade. [ad] http://bit.ly/1K43S6S #FeelInvigorated 
#cbias, #feelinvigorated, #ad, organization, peg board
#cbias, #feelinvigorated, #ad, organization, peg board
How do you make your house feel like home? How do you organize your garage or workshop?

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  1. I have a garage here just waiting for you to come help me organize. :)

    1. I'm on my way! It's nice knowing where things are but the process of organizing isn't always fun.

  2. Love the pegboard! I'll have to see if Hubby wants to add that to our garage.

    1. Thanks. They are so simple to put up and easy to customize - just buy a can of spray paint. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks. Organizing isn't always fun but there is instant gratification with getting rid of the old and knowing where things are located. :)

  4. Great tips! We need to do something like this in our garage, my husband will be happy!

    1. Thanks. There is nothing like an organized space!

  5. Wow... I love everything you've done! And I totally agree with your house not smelling like home. We've moved 4 times in the last 3 years and it definitely takes awhile to settle in. But I do love using candles to set the mood and to also make our house smell like home.

    1. Moving can be fun and excited, yet stressful and overwhelming. I love to make the new place feel comforting as soon as possible! And thanks for the kind comment. :)


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