a traveling Wife: If It Fits

If It Fits

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I might be onto something here. When I first joined #WIAW, I said it was to make myself accountable while learning more about macros. What I said then still holds true - I am 100% confused. However, last week I kept track of my macros with the Lose It app and somehow lost 2.5 lbs!

Of course I incorporated a new fitness routine that I can share more about if you are interested. But, 2.5 lbs just from eating whatever I want so long as it fits into a 25/50/25 ratio of fats/carbs/protein (specific to my needs only - not everyone will have the same ratio). The nice thing about flexible eating is that you don't need to be obsessive with meeting your daily ratio. The goal is to get close to those numbers in a weeks time. The down side, you have to measure or weigh EVERYTHING. Any recommendations on a food scale?

This brings me to this week's What I ate Wednesday What I am Eating This Week focusing on If It Fits Your Macros (#IIFYM). Also, remember when I talked about Our American Kitchen? These meals were all made with LOVE!

Each morning starts out with a latte. I mean, a day without coffee is something something....
0 F / 6 C / 4.5 P

And now the main event - all. the. breakfast. foods. When I started counting macros last week, I didn't realize how little protein I ate. This is where protein shakes come into play. My favorite protein shake is a chai smoothie (recipe found here) topped with a little extra cinnamon. I had this alongside a half grapefruit and Frosted Flakes. 
2.5 F / 30.5 C / 35 P

Can we talk about produce for a second? I am loving that pears, plums, peaches, strawberries, and raspberries are all coming into season. Did you know that fruit has a lot of carbs? Again, this is something I didn't know until I started counting my macros. So my first snack of the day consisted of a perfectly ripe pear and hardboiled egg.
5.5 F / 28 C / 7 P

Lunch was a delicious sloppy joe atop a sweet potato and I added some chickpeas. #bloggerfail for not taking a photo. I used a similar recipe to this one and I love how easy it is to make!
9.5 F / 31 C / 27 P

The eggs from my first snack really did a number on my stomach. Am I the only one with a sensitivity to eggs (latex-fruit syndrome)? I made myself some tasty mint ginger tea and paired it with toasted pine nuts hummus and flatbread crackers
7 F / 24.5 C / 3 P

I can't get enough bun-less turkey burgers in my life. Probably because I get to call them bun-less. But these topped with my famous In-n-Out's sauce and paired with sweet potato fries is pure perfection. 
35.5 F / 23.5 C / 22 P

Let's not forget about dessert. If you have been following the past couple of weeks, I never, ever leave behind dessert. I not only ate one, but two pieces of rice krispies treats. They are the easiest thing to make and I almost always have the ingredients. Plus, not having to turn the oven on makes me pretty happy.
5 F / 47 C / 1.5 P

So let me total this up for you - 65 F / 190.5 C / 100 P
Not exactly to my goal and way over on the fats, but I'm still learning. Life is all about learning, right?

Do you follow IIFYM? What are you eating this week?


  1. Your day looks delicious! I remember when I started tracking my food being shocked at how little protein I ate. No wonder I wasn't building muscle! When I was competing I got up to 2x my body weight in protein. LOL!

    1. It's really funny that we think we are eating foods that will help us reach our goals. But until a log has been created, it goes unnoticed that particular food items are lacking from the diet!

  2. I do keep track of my macros... I did for years and then stopped... gained some weight... so now I am back at it.

    1. Wow! I love to hear that there is worth in tracking macros. I haven't gotten really serious with it yet, but am loving learning all about it.

  3. I've been learning a lot about IIFYM/Flexible Dieting and I love the concept! I used to do clean eating and it was just too restrictive. I track my macros on MyFitnessPal and I do a 40C/40P/20F ratio. I don't always get to the exact numbers but I come close and I feel really good! I do recommend a digital kitchen scale. It makes life so much easier!

    1. Way to go!! I have also tried a few other 'diets' but found them way to restrictive. Any recommendations on a food scale?

  4. Cool post! I may have to try this app!!

    1. Thanks! I really like the graphs to give me a visual for my ratios. I hope you like it too. :)

  5. I've never tried tracking my macros, per say, but I have checked how much protein I'm getting since as a vegetarian that tends to be where I'm lacking!

    1. Good for you. I could only imagine how much protein I would be lacking if I ate a vegetarian diet. It would take a lot of adjustment. :)

  6. I'll admit that I have no idea what macros are. I do know that I don't eat enough protein, but your photos made me realize how easy it is to change that. I just need to change what I reach for automatically...

    1. Ha - you are definitely not alone. But yes, making slight changes to what you grab for initially can help tremendously to train your brain to eat 'healthier' options.

  7. Protein seems hard to get until you make find out what has a lot in it. I love adding beans and nuts to things to get a little protein. I just heard about counting Macros, it sounds interesting!

    1. I definitely thought I was eating too much protein prior to tracking my macros. Wow, was I way off. I've been trying to stray away from nuts because of the fat, but I will have to try adding more beans to my diet!

  8. 65 F / 190.5 C / 100 P ?? do u divide those by 100 to get an percentage?

    1. I believe it has to do with total daily energy expenditures, but I am not completely sure. I just use the Lose It app and it does all the math for me. :)

  9. I had never heard of macros, and now I'm intrigued. Congrats on your loss. Each of your meals sound and look yummy. I'm sure I eat enough protein, but could probably increase my fruits and veggies. Good luck as you push forward.

    1. Thanks, Taya. There are so many fad diets out there, but IIFYM really has me on the bandwagon with flexible eating - which has always been something I leaned towards. We all deserve special treats here and there, but if you can make if fit in your everyday diet then that is wonderful.


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